วันศุกร์ที่ 6 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2555

Personal Core Values

Personal Core Values

Each of us has our own set of values. These are what settle which aspects of life we regard as prominent or beneficial. Our values help settle our tastes, our way of life, our entertainment, our social, political and religious interactions. Each of us holds many values and these values are liable to convert as we grow, reach dissimilar stages of life or have dissimilar experiences or influences in life. Some of the values we hold may be 'superficial', transitory or fitting solely the moment in which we find ourselves. Other values are more fixed and may stay with us straight through our life; these are our 'core values'.

Our values come from a range of sources. Our parents are a key affect upon our values as we grow as children. So, too, is any church or religious background we experience. Our society, our neighbours, friends and colleagues, too, can have an affect upon our values. So, too, can our teachers and our schooling.

Often, school can be a place of friction for it is there that we taste other values perhaps for the first time. Some of the values we taste in school can be in friction with or contradict the values of our parents. As we go straight through high school, we start to taste values in ourselves and our peers that friction both with school and our parents. Conflicting and unfixed values can be a major question for youthful and youthful years.

As we grow in years and experience, our values come to be more fixed, especially a set of 6 to 10 'core' values. It is these core values that settle what is assuredly prominent to us as an individual. The surprising thing is that if you ask most habitancy what their values are, many would not be able to give you an answer.

A good many habitancy are prominent lives unconnected with their core values. This can lead to a life of unhappiness, discontent and lack of fulfilment. Sometimes it can lead to conflict. Often the someone does not know why their life seems unhappy, unfulfilled and sometimes full of conflict. Often, the cause is that the life they are living is not in accordance with their personal values.

For some habitancy a friction can arise within them because they are trying to live a life according to the values of a company, an organisation, a religious or political organisation, the values of their friends or colleagues or partner, rather than living a life according to their own core values. In doing this, the values of the other habitancy or organisations are being met but the person's own values are being left unfulfilled.

This is not to say that a someone is always wrong to seek to hold and fulfil the values of other habitancy or organisations. However, leaving your own values unfulfilled can lead to disappointment and unhappiness. A key issue in this, though, is that the someone may believe they are doing the right thing by working to the values of others and yet still feel a sense of disappointment and unfulfilment; -the speculate being that they may be unaware of their own values or, maybe, feel guilty of their own values where they friction with the values of others.
So, if you feel your life is unfulfilled, unhappy, or maybe has too much conflict, then it could be that you are prominent a life that does not accord with your core values. The inquire is; do you know your own personal core values?

Hiring a personal life coach can assuredly help you to discover your personal values but for those who want to start the discovery for themselves, try answering the following question;

What, in life, is prominent to you?

Don't think about your answers (yes, there's likely to be more than one thing that's prominent to you), at least don't think about them at first. Just write down anyone comes into your head, no matter how strange, amusing or worrying they may seem. These first answers are probably your 'gut' or 'intuitive' answers; sometimes these are closer to the truth than answers that you 'think' about. Next, think about what is prominent in life for you. Take some time to think your answers before writing them down in a word or short phrase. Don't worry if the some of the same answers appear in your first list; - just write them down again.

Now you have two lists. Take a look at them; is there anyone there that surprises you or anyone that worries you? Sometimes habitancy can be quite surprised by what they write down and occasionally they may write down something that shocks them or they feel guilty about.

Quite common words that habitancy put on their list of values consist of ; 'money', 'success', 'family', 'wife/husband/partner', 'growth', 'power'. If you find one, or more, of these words on your list, ask yourself another question;

What does (the word) mean for me?

So you may ask, 'what does money mean for me'. To which the retort could be; money means security, or money means success, or money means freedom, or money means being able to contribute for my family.

By answering the second inquire you can help locate the real or fundamental value for you. So for you, money is not the real value, it is 'security' or 'being successful' or 'being independent' or 'being able to contribute for my family' that is the real value.

So, by doing these easy exercises, you are beginning to discover your personal core values. The next rehearsal is to ask your self 'how do my life, my work and my relationships help fulfil my personal values?' If you find that they do not help you fulfil your personal values then perhaps you should think changing your life. To do that; get a life coach.

Personal Core Values

