วันเสาร์ที่ 10 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2554

How Women Flirt - 3 Flirting Signals to Get You to arrival Her

If you're like most guys, you're clueless when it comes to women hitting on you. In her mind, she's being more than positive about her intentions. You, on the other hand, have zero indication that she's interested.

This record aims to fix that qoute permanently. From this point on, you'll be able to detect the manifold signals women use to flirt, and as a result, you'll reap the benefits of a healthier and more active sex life.


I'll be the first to admit that women are confusing. It's not uncommon for a man to think a woman is flirting with him, only to perceive that he was wrong. These mixed signals are enough to drive even the sanest guy up a wall. Men are typically very level forward when it comes to flirting, leaving no guessing room for our intentions.

Women, on the other hand, work a bit more mysteriously.

Rather than lay all of her cards on the table, a woman will normally flirt via her subconscious. In other words, she unknowingly gives off assorted signals to indicate her level of interest. The sooner you learn how to read these signals, the sooner you'll be getting phone numbers.

For starters, let's get to the million-dollar question: How can you tell if a woman is de facto flirting with you? The last thing you need is to get your hopes up over a girl who (in spite of her incessant flirting) says she "just wants to be friends," so where is the line drawn? The solution to this qoute is simple...read her body.

The following are three signals women emit before you even attack up a conversation with them. If you sense she's sending any of these your way, take action.

Signal #1 - She can't take her eyes off of you.

Think about it: If you see something you like, you tend to look at it a lot. It's the whole "apple of my eye" theory, and it holds true for women as well.

When you're in a group situation, there will be instances when you make eye contact with a girl or two. I'm not referring to this. What I am referring to is that dame in the angle who (every time you look up) continues to have her sights set on you. Reconsider this as her non-verbal way of giving you the green light.

Many women rely solely on eye contact to flirt. Rather than approaching you to start a conversation, a girl who is concerned will "encourage" you to take the first step using nothing but her eyes. With that said, if you keep making eye contact with that hottie over the room, take action.

Signal #2 - She's starved for your attention.

Out of all the methods women use to flirt, this one flies under a guy's radar most often. For some reason, a man will think nothing when a woman permanently sits by him, makes small talk, or goes to great efforts to be where he is. If you ask me, this one is a no brainer!

Men...wake up! I cannot stress this enough. Assess the situation, and don't disregard that girl who is permanently in your company. This is especially true if she leaves her friends behind in order to be near you. Odds are she's there for a reason.

Signal #3 - She flashes a smile your way.

A smile is understood over all cultures as a welcoming greeting. With that said, if a woman flashes you her pearly whites, she's open to you.

Similar to making eye contact, when a woman sends a smile your way, she's well aware that she is sending you a message. Put plainly, she's telling you that you're welcome to come and get to know her. You may not perceive this, but every day, women have to work hard to avoid men they're not attracted to.

She wouldn't smile at you if she wasn't interested.

Final Thoughts

If you observation any of these three signs of flirting, it's time to take action. Rather than confuse a man, these signals are aimed directly at seduction, so learn how to detect them. They are clear cut messages women use to indicate a stronger desire, but it's up to you to look for them.

How Women Flirt - 3 Flirting Signals to Get You to arrival Her

