But don't let the pretty and ingenious disguises fool you. There is a real and present danger lurking behind the mask of these innocent designs. Why the disguises? Obviously, for aesthetic reasons. The cell phone fellowships don't want to make their neighborhood friends upset. They want to blend in. So they blend in while they blast your home and neighborhood with toxic electromagnetic radiation. Cell phone towers, sometimes called masts, or mobile phone towers, weren't an issue years ago when they were few and far between. One could often drive miles and miles through the countryside and never see one. They were few in amount and were only found in obscure locations and seen only on an occasional hilltop. Today cell phone towers have increased dramatically in number. There are now more than 1.9 million cell phone towers and antenna towers spread throughout the U.S. They are now found on churches, schools and firehouses as well as being seen on the rooftop of buildings everywhere. Did you know there is even a cell phone tower near Old rigorous in Yellowstone Park? Can't sleep well at night? It may be that there's a cell phone tower close by. Just why would a mobile phone tower be settled on a church, school or firehouse? Why would school boards and churches agree to this? Money. It's that simple. The mobile phone fellowships will pay these organizations, and personel asset owners, handsomely to setup their tool on their properties. This "rent money" can range from a few hundred dollars a month to some thousand dollars a month. What school district or church couldn't use extra money to aid a struggling budget? By "renting" the space on an already-constructed building the cell phone industry doesn't have to buy land, build a tower or found a new building. It plainly mounts its tool on a buildings that already exists. It's a win-win deal for the cell phone firm and the new 'landlord.' Opposition to these cell tower installments used to gone unnoticed and without question. Not so today. Neighborhoods and citizens are becoming vocally opposed. But it's not the esthetics that causes residents and asset owners to oppose these structures. Communities and citizens are afraid of the possible condition effects being caused by this technology as well as the adverse influence on asset values. We Can't Stop Cell Phone Tower Construction Unfortunately, there isn't much one can do to stop the proliferation and continued build out of cell phone towers and structures. Although conception to be legislation about deregulation issues, the Telecommunications Act of 1996 (Tca) was assuredly an open invitation for the cell phone industry to place their towers in any place they wanted. Section 704 of the Tca basically states that local authorities can't ban the placement of towers in their jurisdictions. The law says: "No State or local government or instrumentality thereof may regulate the placement, construction, and modification of personal wireless aid facilities on the basis of the environmental effects of radio frequency emissions to the extent that such facilities comply with the Commission's regulations about such emissions." So legally the local government can't refuse the building of a cell phone tower in your neighborhood! Any challenge by local communities could assuredly end up in federal court. Our lawmakers have basically given the cell phone industry free reign to setup these towers wherever they want. And, by the way, the cell phone industry helped write this legislation that our government officials passed as law! The public, therefore, now has no voice and no vote. Is there something wrong with this picture? Why didn't our communal officials characterize the citizen instead of big business? Why would you let the very industry you're trying to regulate write it's own laws? Does the wage outweigh the possible risks? It appears not. Scores of studies and well-respected explore have exposed alarming condition effects from varied forms of cancer to stress. Many experts today are predicting an epidemic in brain cancer soon. Representatives from the industry are quick to point out the microwaves emitted by cell phone towers are well below federal standards. And assuredly they may be. At least on paper. Most towers control at a power production of 100 watts. However, this isn't the total wattage of the tower. What they aren't telling you is that 100 watts is the power per channel. Since one tower may have dozens of channels you can see that the power production could be very inordinate and well beyond 100 watts. It's a technical loophole. And, of course, who is monitoring the power production from these towers after they are erected? The Fcc assuredly isn't. It doesn't have the manpower or money to properly regulate the millions of towers and antennas now online. And who is to forestall these fellowships from turning up the wattage when no one is around? Some have reported that many of these towers have already shown power outputs in the 900 to 1000 watt range. You Can't fly The Radiation. It's Everywhere. We plainly can't fly the exposure to this radiation. It's everywhere. There are so many citizen using cell phones and wireless connections today that you don't even have to own a cell phone to be exposed. You're just as exposed as everybody else. Every time man makes a call from a mobile phone the signal is sent to a cell phone tower. There are so many calls being made by everybody all colse to us and now there are so many mobile phone towers in operation, that all of us are caught in the crossfire. It's like second-hand smoke from cigarettes, except that we can't get away from it. There plainly isn't in any place to escape. How mobile Phone Towers Work Cell phone towers emit signals in a "flower petal" pattern colse to the tower. This 360-degree radius colse to the tower is called a "cell" and this is what the term "cell" in cell phone means. When your phone is in a "cell" you get good reception and when it isn't in a?"cell" you get poor reception. So, for a cell phone firm to provide faultless coverage cell phone towers and antenna towers must be positioned all over the country so that the "cells" overlap. You can begin to see what a huge infrastructure needs to be created to provide faultless cell phone coverage. That's why cell phone towers and antenna towers are so prevalent. Furthermore, that's why these antennas are installed in so many places like rooftops, fire stations, schools and churches. This is what is necessary for faultless coverage. Studies Show Adverse condition Effects From Cell Phone Towers If you aren't sure that cell phone towers and masts are harmful the following study summaries should convince you. Below are listed six studies that have shown necessary adverse condition effects on citizen living near cell phone towers. According to Dr. Grahame Blackwell "these are the only studies known that specifically consider the effects of masts on people. All six studies show clear and necessary ill-health effects. There are no known studies relating to condition effects of masts that do not show such ill-health effects."
Santini et al. Found necessary condition problems in citizen living within 300 meters of a cell phone base middle point or tower. The recommendation was made from the study that cell phone base stations should not be settled closer than 300 meters to populated areas. Pathol Biol (Paris) 2002; 50: 369-373.
A Netherlands organization for Applied Scientific explore study entitled, "Effects of Global Communications principles Radio-Frequency Fields On Well Being and Cognitive Function of Human Subjects With and Without Subjective Complaints" found necessary effects on well being along with headaches, muscle fatigue, pain, and dizziness from tower emissions well below the "safety" level.
Gerd, Enrique, Manuel, Ceferino and Claludio conducted a Spanish study called "The Microwave Syndrome" and found adverse condition effects from those living near two cell phone base stations. The condition effects included fatigue, a tendency toward depression, sleeping disorders, strangeness in concentration and cardiovascular problems.
From an Israeli study published in the International Journal of Cancer Prevention, Vol. 1, No. 2, April 2004, Wolf and Wolf reported a fourfold increase in the incidence of cancer in citizen living within 350 meters of a cell phone tower as compared to the Israeli general population. They also reported a tenfold increase specifically among women.
In the Naila Study from Germany, November 2004, five curative doctors collaborated to assess the risk to citizen living near a cell phone tower. The retrospective study was taken from patient case histories between 1994 and 2004 from those who had lived while the past ten years at a length up to 400 meters from the tower site. The results showed that the proportion of newly advanced cancer cases was significantly higher in those patients living within the 400-meter length and that the patients became ill on median eight years earlier. In the years 1999 to 2004, after five years of operation of the transmitting tower, the relative risk of getting cancer had trebled for residents of the area in the nearnessy of the facility compared to the inhabitants of Naila covering the area.
An Austrian Study released in May 2005, showed that radiation from a cell phone tower at a length of 80 meters causes necessary changes of the electrical currents in the brains of test subjects. All test subjects indicated they felt sick while the radiation and some reported being seriously ill. According to the scientists doing the study, this is the first worldwide proof of necessary changes of the electrical currents in the brain, as measured by Eeg, by a cell phone base middle point at a length of 80 meters. Subjects reported symptoms such as buzzing in the head, tinnitus, palpitations of the heart, lightheadedness, anxiety, shortness of breath, nervousness, agitation, headache, heat sensation and depression. According to scientists this is the first proof that electrical circuits in the brain are significantly affected by a cell phone tower. The length in this study was a mere 80 meters. Two-time Nobel Prize nominee Dr. Gerald Hyland, a physicist, had this to say about mobile phone towers. "Existing security guidelines for cell phone towers are completely inadequate. Quite justifiably, the communal remains skeptical of attempts by governments and industry to reassure them that all is well, particularly given the unethical way in which they often control symbiotically so as to promote their own vested interests." Dr. Bruce Hocking did a study in Syndey, Australia, of children living near Tv and Fm broadcast towers, which by the way, are very similar to cell phone towers. He found that these children had more than twice the rate of leukemia as children living more than seven miles away from these towers. Results in yet an additional one new study conducted on inhabitants living near or under a mobile phone base middle point antenna yielded the following prevalence of neuropsychiatric complaints: ill (23.5%), memory changes (28.2%), dizziness (18.8%), tremors (9.4%), depressive symptoms (21.7%), and sleep disturbances(23.5%). In this study the participants were given a neurobehavioral test battery measuring such things as problem solving, visuomotor speed, concentration andmemory. Symptoms of exposed inhabitants were significantly higher than control groups. Furthermore, Europe's top environmental watchdog group, European Environment group (Eea), is calling for immediate performance to sell out exposure to mobile phone masts. Eea suggests performance to sell out exposure immediately to vulnerable groups such as children. The amelioration of brain tumors in staff members working in a building in Melbourne, Australia, prompted the windup of the top floors of the building. The Royal Melbourne found of Technology is housed in the building. Seven staff members were diagnosed with brain tumors and five of the seven worked on the top floor. A cell phone antenna is settled on the roof of the building. The Orange phone firm in England is being forced to take off its mast tower on a building in Bristol, England. The extraction is a consequent of a five-year exertion by residents and local authorities to have the mast removed. Cancer rates in the building, which has come to be known internationally as the "Tower of Doom," have soared to ten times the national median for the 110 residents living there. The two masts sitting on the roof, one owned by Orange and the other by Vodafone, were installed in 1994. Vodafone has refused the take off its mast. Cell Phone Towers influence Animals Animals aren't exempt from exposure the cell phone tower radiation either. One veterinary school in Hanover, Germany, reports that dairy cows kept in close nearnessy to a cell phone tower for two years had a discount in milk production in addition to other condition problems along with abnormal behavior patterns. Firefighters Vote To suspend Cell Tower building On Fire Stations Concerned about the consequent that masts have on the nation's firefighters, The International connection of Fire Fighters voted in 2004 to voice its opposition to cell phone towers and antennas being place on and colse to fire stations. They want proof first that there isn't a security issue and have asked for a moratorium on added building and placement of any more towers or antennas on or colse to firehouses until such a study can be conducted. What Are These Antennas Doing To Our Kids While They're In School?'t worth the risk. They should not be subjected to microwave radiation when science has proven there could clearly be devastating effects as outlined in the previously mentioned studies. School boards and parent organizations need to be aware of the possible dangers from such an exposure. It's been clearly shown that microwave radiation penetrates the head of a child much easier than that of an adult. This is due to the thinner and softer bones in the head of child. Skull bones don't fully harden until about age 22. How Many Cell Phone Towers Are Near You? The median man lives within one-half mile of a cell phone tower. Have you ever wondered how close you live or work to one of these towers? Would it bother you if one were right in your backyard? How many of these towers and antennas do you think there are in your immediate area? Find out by visiting the website http://www.antennasearch.com/. plainly type in your address and you'll get a listing and a map of all the towers and antennas within a short radius of your address. Like most citizen you'll probably gasp when you see the numbers. These towers are assuredly everywhere. Hundreds and hundreds of them are probably settled within a few miles of your home or office. Watch The Signal Bars On Your Cell Phone The signal bars on your cell phone tell you how strong the signal is that are connecting to your cell phone. In other words, the closer you are to a cell phone tower the stronger the signal. The stronger the signal the less power your phone has to use to profess the connection. A strong signal is indicated by a full set of "bars" showing on your cell phone display. Fewer bars mean a weaker signal. A weaker signal means the cell phone has to work harder to profess the signal. Consequently, more power is needed to profess the connection. The more power needed the greater the amount of radiation produced by your phone and the greater exposure to you. So always try to talk in outdoors or in an open space. This allows an easier connection from your cell phone to the nearest cell phone tower. Your phone won't have to work as hard and less power is used to profess the signal, which translates, to less radiation exposure for you. What Can We Do? Obviously, can't fly the exposure. We've established that fact. So what can we do to minimize the damage? Here are few ideas: We need to limit our exposure any way possible. Don't live near a cell phone tower if you have a choice. Don't buy a home near one even if the price is right. Limit your use of wireless devices. Go back to 'wired' connections whenever possible. Maximize your condition through proper nourishment and good hydration. Eat foods high in antioxidants and take supplements. Eat organically as much as possible. There is no safe length to search away from a mast tower. Obviously, the closer to the tower the greater the exposure risk so do search as far away as possible. Whenever possible encourage your local government officials to consider transitioning to the use of fiber optic cable. Most of it has already been laid underground. It's just not being used. There are no masts with fiber optics and the small amount of radiation at the exits can be neutralized with technology now available. Discourage the use of Wi-Fi in schools by meeting with your school officials and school boards. Wi-Fi hotspots are popping up in any place now. Even whole cities are going wireless with the facility of Wi-Fi. Again, it's all done through a wireless signal, which is damaging to your health. Don't let cell phone fellowships setup cell phone antennas on the roofs of schools where your children attend. The radio waves are disruptive to their capability to focus, not to mention the condition hazards we've already outlined. If you can't convert your current situation there is some hope. There are some intervention devices now ready that you can use in your home, school and office to help lessen the risk of exposure. Some very good cutting-edge technology has been advanced that will intervene and help mitigate the damage being done by wireless connections. If you'd like to discuss those options feel free to get in touch with me.
Cell Phone Towers and movable Phone Masts - Beacons of Harm
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