วันจันทร์ที่ 31 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2554

The Church As Body of Christ - A Spiritual Reality

Here is another truth, information or revelation of the Bible that does not readily appear real, true or feasible to the physical or natural men, it is that the Church, body of believers and followers of Christ and His life, teachings or ways, constitute His mystical or spiritual body, just as our various fleshy component parts constitute (make up) body (house) for our spirits and souls. The Bible, God's word or revelation of His will and truths, variously alludes to or speaks about it (see 1Cor.12:12-28; 10:17; Rom.12:4-8; Eph.1:22-23; 4:12; 4:16; 3:6; etc.).

The Church (Body of Christ's Believers) being Christ's body or body for Him may not be physically or humanly comprehended or appreciated, hence it is a spiritual reality. It is a thing that is only spiritually comprehended or appreciated and that by only the "spiritual men", those that are spiritually-minded (l Cor.2:14). The truth however, is that The Church is the Body of Christ. The Church as Christ's body is the physical means of His expressing His will, feelings, mind, power, etc. to and. in the world (Matt.28:19-20; In.20:21; Luke 10:16). And no single individual believer, group or congregation of believers of Christ can constitute or should assume to be the body of Christ alone or unilaterally. It is a multilateral, joint or collective thing or responsibility. This is why the Lord prayed for and encouraged His believers or disciples on oneness (see Jn.17:11, 21). It is in this status of oneness of the Church (which also is a spiritual thing) that she constitutes a body for the Lord. And it is in such a condition or circumstance that Re will fully express or manifest Himself, His life and power and wisdom to the world and the kingdom of darkness (Matt. 16:18; Eph.3:10-12).


It is unfortunate that the Church has not come to believe, appreciate and see herself as The Body of Christ which she is, and act that way. Meanwhile, some individuals, groups or congregations may be seeing themselves and act as bodies of Christ unilaterally, without reference to or recognition of any or some others. The truth remains that only one part or some parts of a body cannot make a whole body. It takes all the components.

Like we have said, the Church being the body of Christ is a spiritual thing. And the fact of oneness we said that makes or constitutes it has nothing to do with merger of Churches into one. It has to do with understanding and appreciation of the issue and acting and relating that way. It is something that should be borne in the mind of every believer or congregation and allowed to influence them. There should be that conscious spiritual understanding and appreciation by individual believers and congregations that they are not alone or the only body of Christ but just parts or components that need others to make up the whole (I Cor.12:14-25).

We must not wait until we are in the same place or under the same name or believe the same things, have the same doctrines and outlooks before we can recognize the existence of some other places as part of the whole - Body Of Christ.

This point, or teaching as a whole does not suggest or approve any form of compromise with proven erroneous, false, substandard and apostate places, people, beliefs and practices which we must distance ourselves from (2 Cor.6:14-17; Eph.5:11-12). We are only teaching the truth or whole counsel of God we have received the command to teach (Matt.28:20; Acts 20:27). Suffice it to say that this lack of appreciation or recognition of the Church by believers and Churches as one indivisible Body of Christ and living and acting with/as same has given the world and the kingdom of darkness upper hand against her (the Church) and continues to limit her influence and victory in the world. The kingdom of darkness continues to unite into one body and wax strong in evil. Let those of us who hear the truth begin with and from themselves to make a difference.

The Church As Body of Christ - A Spiritual Reality

Vitus Ejiogu is a writer and publisher with the Fire-Brand Int"l Ministries, a media ministry that is based in Nigeria.

He is the editor of FOUNDATION SATELLITE magazine also published by the ministry. He pastors a Church in Bauchi and is married with two children.

You can reach him at: firebrandhq@yahoo.com or: 234 80 8181 829.

Website: http://www.palmgates.com or http://www.firebrandhq.com

วันเสาร์ที่ 29 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2554

Five Different Ways To Observe Judaism

While Judaism is generally considered one of the oldest non-pagan religions, there a numerous movements that have evolved as society has. The most traditional and most observant movement in the Jewish religion is the Orthodox. Orthodox Jews strictly interpret the Torah (also referred to as the Old Testament or the Five Books of Moses). These Jews strictly adhere to all aspect of Kashruth (keeping Kosher) dietary requirements. Kashruth not only requires not eating meat and dairy together, but is a strict code which specifies how a cow, chicken, lamb or turkey is to be slaughtered and by whom, what parts of a cow can be used, rabbinical supervision of the food preparation process, etc. Their is also a strict code regarding Shabbat (or the Jewish Sabbath, celebrated from Sundown on Friday evening through Sundown on Saturday evening). This code clearly prohibits items that are work-related, and has come to include driving or riding in a car during Shabbat, turning on or off lights, etc. Even in a movement as traditional and adherent as the Orthodox, there are several sub-movements including Lebavitch, Chabbad, Modern Orthodox, Chassidic, etc.

The Conservative movement believes in many of the traditions of the Orthodox, but has made certain modifications for their followers. while Traditional Conservatives adhere to the rules of Kashruth and Shabbat, some Conservative synagogues has made modifications related to driving on Shabbat, and egalitarianism (the Orthodox have strict rules regarding women's place within the community, including codes for a woman's clothing- what parts must be covered, and where women sit in a synagogue (Orthodox do not permit women to sit with men at services). Some Conservative synagogues have adopted a larger role for women as part of the service while others have not, and it has caused internal controversy in many synagogue communities.

Women S Tallit

The Reform movement was started because many Jews felt a need to maintain their Jewish identity, but did not feel that they wanted or needed to observe many of the other requirements. While Reform synagogues at one time were extremely liberal in their Judaic interpretation, in recent years, many have re-adopted several of the more traditional aspects of the religion. For example, while in some Reform synagogues, most men do not wear head coverings (known as Kippas, or Yamulkes), many Reform congregations encourage the use of Kippas.

A newer movement, only about 6o years old, is Reconstructionism. Reconstructionists define the movement as "Judaism for the evolving Jewish society," and has made numerous adjustments based on that premise. Originally begun by a former Orthodox and Conservative Rabbi Mordecai Kaplan, this movement originally developed to offer women equality in the Jewish religion. An off-shoot of the Conservative movement, Reconstructionism lets its followers decide many things for themselves, based on understanding and learning. Rabbis in the Reconstructionist movement often decribe themselves as well- trained and educated "tour operaqtors," whose function is to help the congregation better understand issues so as to make an intelligent decision.

Kabbalah is an interpretation based on many spiritual writings, and is a deep study of an ancient viewpoint that looked extensively at spiritualism. There are major Kabbalah centers, and one of the most famous is located in Los Angeles.

Unlike some other religions, this multi-faceted look at Judaism permits people with considerably different belief levels to still participate at a level that is comfortable to them. While some prefer one movement over another, and certain movements have at time been intolerant to members of other movements, the many movements permit wider participation. There is extensive writing on all of these movements, and anyone intrigued by one movement or another, can gain considerable understanding and knowledge by further study.

Five Different Ways To Observe Judaism

Richard Brody has over 30 years consultative sales, marketing, training, managerial, and operations experience. He has trained sales and marketing people in numerous industries, given hundreds of seminars, appeared as a company spokesperson on over 200 radio and television programs, and regularly blogs on real estate, politics, economics, management, leadership, negotiations, conferences and conventions, etc. Richard has negotiated, arranged and/ or organized hundreds of conferences and conventions. Richard is a Senior Consultant with RGB Consultation Services, an Ecobroker, a Licensed Buyers Agent (LBA) and Licensed Salesperson in NYS, in real estate. Richard Brody has owned businesses, been a Chief Operating Officer, a Chief Executive Officer, and a Director of Development, as well as a consultant. Richard has a Consulting Website ( http://tinyurl.com/rgbcons ); a blog ( http://tinyurl.com/rgbstake ); and can be followed on Twitter.

วันพุธที่ 26 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2554

Spending Daily Time With God - A Woman's Quiet Time

If you're a Christian woman, there is nothing more important than the pursuit of a relationship with Jesus. Just like any other relationship, investing daily time with God is a necessary part of building trust and love. A Quiet Time is what Christians name this special time. It is a purposeful meeting that one sets apart from the rest of her day to be with God.

For Christian women, Quiet Time is especially important - they are the maidservants of Christ. In order to walk with Him and serve Him, they need to know Him. When a woman has her Quiet Time with God, she earnestly prays to God that His kingdom would grow on earth. She calls out to Him, praising Him for the joys in her own life and asking forgiveness for her own disobedience to Him.

Women S Tallit

A woman's Quiet Time can be anywhere and anytime she chooses. She first picks a time that she knows she will be able to spend without interruption. She then makes sure that she has the necessary resources to make the most of her time with God. She collects her Bible, a prayer journal, and daily devotions for women. While there are many devotions available, she should make sure to choose daily devotions that speaks directly to her.

A Christian woman's Quiet Time should always begin with prayer. Then she can move onto reading her devotional for the day. Next she reads the Bible - God's word. God speaks to His daughters in many ways, but they should make sure to listen to His word. Finally, she closes her time in prayer.

With growing her relationship with God a daily struggle for many women, deliberately having specific time set aside for Him each day can make the difference. Start planning your daily devotions today!

For free information and advice on topics and issues related to Christian women's quiet time, visit http://www.dailydevotionsforwomen.org

Spending Daily Time With God - A Woman's Quiet Time

Daily Devotions for Women is a archive of Christian devotions focused on women. It features daily devotions, articles, and other biblical resources for assisting women in their daily spiritual walk.

Your Daily Dose of the Gospel

วันอังคารที่ 25 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2554

Six Helpful Tips on Writing a Good Article Or Sermon That Gets Results For God

TIP 1: Know your subject.

I love to write articles as you can see from how many I have written in the last twelve weeks. To think a site like this exists and every frustrated Christian isn't preaching on here is amazing! I found a site from an author on here that had interviews with children, and they ask them spiritual questions and the children know deep and profound answers.

Women S Tallit

Do you know that there are some Scriptures in the Bible you know very well? Some of them are so convicting and when you read them it just makes you feel sick at how bad a sinner you are. If the Word of God has you thinking you are never going to make it, you can do a hundred people or so a very big favour by sharing how you think. I did a sermon series about the last days here on 2 Timothy that took four 2500 word articles. I dredge up so many misgivings and faults it made me think I would never have credibility anymore. But it's only been up a week and I felt the nudge of the Holy Spirit to confess every failing in the list of sins I have had in the past year in another article.

One subject I know really well is that God loves an honest sinner who is willing to confess his sin before brothers and sisters. In James he speaks about confession of sin and it being linked to healing. In proverbs chapter three He talks about departing from evil and this will be health to your bones. When the women washed Jesus feet that was a sinful woman, with the Alabaster perfume this powerfully affected me so much I wrote a dramatized fictional story about it as an article on this site. He said that because the women's sins were so many and she had been forgiven much, that she would love much.

You can buy a book on grace to understand it, or you can see Jesus forgive you for twenty years when you are addicted to sex workers and find out that God is so patient and kind and His timing so perfect, that you learn from His example how to have grace on others in sin that you know of.

I know all about sin, so illustrating my sermons with my own sin makes my sermons more understandable, and the audience feel a whole lot better because they aren't as bad as me. I know sin so I use sin in my writings. My two part article in how I gave up my 20 year sex addiction may have glorified the sin too much, but for the one in six men that have visited the sex worker I wanted them to know that I know their sin.

TIP 2: Speak from experience not knowledge

When I write an article on why you should write a novel and how to write a well rounded character, I don't speak theory, I speak from an experience I gained in writing two four hundred page novels. When I speak in an article of four films that influenced my life and the story behind a current film I am writing, it is my love of the four films, the lessons I learned and why that is influencing my third screenplay.

The best illustrations I hear from preachers are stories from their own lives, not stories from books they have read. I want to be able to question the speaker about their story and I don't want second hand experience. A famous preacher that said something profound to you in a book will not be profound to your audience until you have lived the truth and seen it work in your own life.

Jesus was profound, such a good teacher that children can understand His stories but it took me five solid years of obedience to His commands to reach the depths of those parables meaning.

Experience sells things not knowledge. Ask any salesman, it's not how many yes' he gets that makes him rich, it's how many no's he's prepared to get until he has a winning argument.

Jesus was profound and experienced and He was the Son of God. It's His experience and the practical application of the Word of God that He knew that allowed Him to do such mighty works and signs and wonders. People like Benny Hinn preach a good sermon, and their sermon is confirmed with thousands of real documented healings.

I see a church full of knowledge, but way short on experience and the non Christians see that as hypocrisy. I see many people praying the self righteous prayer of the Pharisee, and few praying the prayer of the tearful tax collector. I see many good looking people in church, but few dirty sinners accepted.

When you write, write not from what you learned in some book in your own words, but rather what you learned from taking that truth for a six month test drive and share your own testimony.

TIP 3: Don't be scared to share the truth even if it hurts.

Don't be afraid to be honest with your feelings and your actions and your words. The last thing you want to do, if you want a full time traveling well recognized ministry to show Christians a better way is to go into the biggest church in town and whip people and destroy the coffee shop and bookstore that they have in the church. But Jesus did that in His first week of ministry.

When you had healed thousands and done all sorts of signs and wonders the last thing You should tell a Jew is that they have to drink your blood to be a follower of Yours knowing that drinking blood is a metaphor for your death, and blood as the Sacrificial Lamb, but your audience only knowing that you are preaching and telling them to break a holy commandment of God that says "No drinking blood!"

Jesus spoke a truth that no one could understand and it was too profound in its day, and lost all but His 12 Apostles. Then when He was caught He lost them all, save John that was at the foot of the cross.

In Psalm 15 it says that a good man is one that swears to the truth even at his own cost. That's why I share my dark secrets with you, so out of my loss someone might be convicted, and another might find hope that they too can conquer bad sins.

I tried for three years to give up my sex addiction and I honestly was starting to think the Bible did not work. Now I am an evangelist saying even your worst addiction can be conquered with true repentance, and God's supernatural grace.

All Glory to God for that blood of Jesus and the truth I found out about, what true repentance really is!

TIP 4: Don't be afraid to write a long article or preach a long sermon.

One of the world's best advertisers who made money out of writing convincing, "send in this coupon for your free trial" sort of advertising said this: "People will never be bored in print."

What he was saying was if you had interesting information and the information had a benefit to the reader they will read fifty pages on the subject. There can never be an advertisement that is too long, you simply have to write to your budget and write convincing copy.

Just as I know if you really wanted to learn what I promised you in the headline you are still reading and learning something. The very best sermons I have heard have gone for more then two hours, and I have been tired when they started and fully awake when he finished and I did not want it to finish. The only reason we get bored In a sermon is when the preacher is not preaching an anointed Spirit led sermon that the audience needed to hear.

Don't write two pages, for fear five pages won't be read on here. Write 2500 words the maximum and then write a part two and part three if it takes that much to get your message heard. Prepare for a one hour sermon and ask the pastor how long he wants, and if he says forty five minutes tell him you might run over a little.

If he says half an hour, have the courage to tell him your sermon can't be preached in such short a time.

TIP 5: Use your sources to back up what you are saying after you have said it or before.

I like to start with a Scripture and preach the Scripture, and explain the Scripture in my life and then lead the argument to my next Scripture. Then I like to start speaking about my next Scripture and explaining the message of my next Scripture, and then after I have explained it to introduce the Scripture I was talking about as evidence to my new line of argument. Then as soon as they see the evidence to what I was saying in front of them, I might go a little deeper into it and then lead onto the next thing I want to say.

I was taught to preach with no study, no notes, no man's books but simply meditating Scriptures in the Bible, living Scriptures in the Bible, and then writing under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit.

If you have an expert, use him to quote from, like a university student does, and give the source credit. But sometimes you won't know the name of the source or the book it was in like my favourite advertising man quote above, and so share the truth anyway and let the reader decide if you are spinning lines to them.

People want answers and they want common folk preaching to them, and it gives a reader or a person hearing a sermon great encouragement to hear you have never been to Bible college.

TIP 6: Don't be afraid of being too tough on your audience.

Paul says to rebuke, and exhort and preach the Gospel with power. Sometimes the people need the Word of God to cut them. Jeremiah in Chapter 23 talks about the false prophets and how they speak nice and comforting, and wonderful prophecies and preach nice sermons. He says under the Holy Spirit's inspiration that I God, did not send these lying prophets.

Then the Lord said, is not My Word like a hammer that smashed rocks to pieces, and isn't My Word like a fire that burns?

My people, people need the chaff of false teaching and error in doctrines burnt off them, and the hard rebuking Word of God needs to be preached with power.

People need their stony hearts to be hit with a hammer, and their hearts have to be broken and the people crying for three years till they can get out of a sin that is taking them to hell. It's tough preaching tough sermons but Jesus had no problem preaching the seven great woes to the Pharisees.

Speaking and preaching the truth is love, and you should be careful to use love when you do it. Sharing your own struggle with the sin you are preaching about softens the blow.

No Olympic trainer is soft on his athlete. No boxing coach lets his boxer sleep in and eat too much.

Yet pastors let their sheep sleep in sermons, and don't teach them to read the Bible and pray each day. This is not being a good shepherd or coach.

Now you have the six tips. Write your first article and post it online here and drop me a line where to find it.

Paul not only preached and taught, he taught new Christians how to be prophets and Apostles and pastors and evangelists. It's time you stopped reading my beloved friend, and get online and teach us what you know.

Go on, write a teaching and register with this site and put it up

God bless you.

Six Helpful Tips on Writing a Good Article Or Sermon That Gets Results For God

If you have enjoyed my article you can read the book "The parables of Jesus made simple" for free here in its entirety or just selected parables in chapters at http://www.parables-of-jesus-christ.net/ The book will be published in book form in January 2011

For prophetic counsel, Christian life coaching, Dream interpretation, Christian chat and great Kingdom Teaching come and see us at http://www.kingdomassignments.com.au

วันเสาร์ที่ 22 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2554

Substitutes For Men - Unlimited - Nature of Women

Traditionally, women have been the backbone of the Church. In many families - even when fathers are present - women have taken on the primary role of spiritual mentors and role models for their children. To say the truth, this is not the balanced approach that God intended for the family. While both parents are supposed to be the spiritual role models for their children, the men have the responsibility of being the "priests" of their homes and the spiritual authorities of their households (Genesis 1:26; Genesis 2:22; Ephesians 5:22-24).

Typically, most men place greater emphasis on their careers and on ways in which they can become financially independent rather than on spiritual growth and development. Don't get me wrong; I am not against careers and financial success. However, I believe the greatest success story is the one about the man who has located his position in the kingdom of God and is walking in it.

Women S Tallit

God has called all male born-again believers to be men of valour and integrity who are not afraid to conform to the image of His Son. It is time for Christian men to show the world what it takes to be a real man, rather than dodging responsibilities. Being a man carries with it a heavy responsibility and a high standard of integrity that God expects you to uphold. We can no longer allow the world's mind-set to be our standard. Instead, we must follow the example set by Jesus.

Unfortunately, we live in a society that is big on substitutions. Santa Claus has been substituted for Jesus, the Easter Bunny for the Cross and some men have substituted a man for a woman in their relationships. Real men of God go for the real thing, which is Christ-likeness, not hiding under the magnanimity of women. Real men seek to live on a higher level and recognize that their manhood is not based on false images. Instead, it is based on the truths found in God's Word.

Substituting women for men's roles as an expression of women's unlimited nature is an aberration. Men should be men enough, living and upholding the standards of God's word. Being Christ-like requires discipline and diligence. This begins with renewing your mind, or changing your mindset from the world's way of thinking to God's way. You start the process by reading and meditating on the Word of God daily, attending Bible study and Sunday services regularly and becoming spiritually employed at your local Church. Consistency in these areas will cause transformation to take place. Ultimately, you will become the spiritual giant that your family and Church need you to be in these last days.

God has a plan for your life - whether a man or woman, and He has already determined the path you are to take (Ephesians 2:10). He's just waiting on you to show up.

Substitutes For Men - Unlimited - Nature of Women

Vitus Ejiogu is a writer and publisher with the Fire-Brand Int"l Ministries, a media ministry that is based in Nigeria. He is the editor of FOUNDATION SATELLITE magazine also published by the ministry. He pastors a Church in Bauchi and is married with two children. You can reach him at: firebrandhq@yahoo.com or, 234 802 8181 829.

Website: http://www.palmgates.com or http://www.firebrandhq.com.

วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 20 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2554

Bible Study - The Gospel According to Mark 1:1-3

The beginning of the gospel about Jesus Christ, the Son of God.

Mark opens the book not with a formal declaration describing the purpose of the book but with a statement about the subject of the book.

Women S Tallit

Let's examine the first verse.

1. What is Mark by using the Greek word Arche (ar-khay') which means for "beginning", trying to get across to his readers?

That he is writing about the start of the Gospel.

2. How does this differ from the beginnings in Genesis (1:1).

The Genesis account is the creation of the world.
Mark is talking about the fulfillment of God's plan of redemption.

3. Why does Mark use language reminiscent of Genesis 1:1 to start his Gospel?

As a reminder of God's activity in the history of the world.

4. We have all heard that the word "Gospel" means "good news", but just what is a Gospel?

A Gospel is the telling of God's plan for the redemption of fallen man.

5. What does Romans chapter 1 verses 2 through 4 tell us about the nature of a Gospel?

The gospel he promised beforehand through his prophets in the Holy Scriptures regarding his Son, who as to his human nature was a descendant of David, and who through the Spirit of holiness was declared with power to be the Son of God by his resurrection from the dead: Jesus Christ our Lord. Romans 1:2-4 (NIV)

John Calvin wrote a Gospel is a "testimony of the revealed salvation, which has been formerly promised to the fathers in an uninterrupted succession of ages. It points out at the same time , a distinction between the promises which kept the hope of the people in suspense, and this joyful message, by which God declares that he has accomplished those things which he had formerly required them to expect."

That is to say, an illustration of God's stated plan of salvation and its fruition through time and eternity in Jesus Christ.

2 It is written in Isaiah the prophet:

"I will send my messenger ahead of you, who will prepare your way"

3 "a voice of one calling in the desert, 'Prepare the way for the Lord,make straight paths for him.' "

Mark wrote his Gospel for Gentile believers, probably in Rome. Because they lacked knowledge of the Old Testament, he was not able to use quotations from it with any frequency. In verses 2 and 3 he makes an exception.

The phrase Mark chose to start verse 2, "it is written" carries an authoritative quality recognized by Greeks, Romans and Jews. In the first century Greek world, this formula frequently opens the introductions to a law or legal declaration. In the Old Testament it would be recognized as claiming authority over the reader.

1. What is Mark saying about Isaiah by using the phrase "It is written"

That Isaiah was an authority figure.
That Isaiah's authority came from God.

Verses 2 and 3 are actually a collage coming from different sources. The quotation from verse 2, "I will send my messenger ahead of you" echoes the first part of Malachi 3:1.

"Behold, I send my messenger and he will prepare the way before me. Malachi (3:1) (ESV)

1. What is God saying to Malachi who was looking forward and Mark who was looking backward to Christ by using the word See or Behold?

This is coming from God

Pay attention this is important

This is what I want you to tell my people.

2. In both Mark 1:2 and Malachi 3:1 John is called "my messenger", What is the ultimate message John is to pass along.

The Messiah has come

The Kingdom of God has come

Verse 3 is a more exact representation of Isaiah 40:3.

A voice of one calling:

"In the desert prepare the way for the LORD; make straight in the wilderness a highway for our God. Isaiah 40:3 (NIV).

It was a common practice for Jewish teachers to combine texts or parts of texts, if they contained common keywords. Teachers were thought to be so learned in the scriptures that they were not required to specify which text or even mention its context.

Verse 3, "A voice of one calling in the desert, 'Prepare the way for the Lord, make straight paths for him.' "

1. Mark says the prophet was a voice of one calling in the desert, what was his calling to be?

To prepare Gods people for His coming.

2. Based on what we know a Gospel to be, What was the Lord is coming to do?

Restore the relationship between God and His people.

3. Reflecting back on verse 1, who does Mark say was coming?

Jesus Christ - God Himself.

4. Who then was coming to do what for whom?

Jesus Christ was coming back to provide a path to salvation for God's people.

Verse 2, "I will send my messenger ahead of you, who will prepare your way"

Paraphrasing Malachi 3:1, Mark would have known that Malachi chapter 3 was about God coming in judgement to set things aright among His people.

1. What would this have meant Mark was trying to convey to his Gentile believers?

Jesus was God

He came and died for their sins

Jesus coming meant the start of the Gospel age.

In Luke 16:16-17 Jesus himself speaks of John's role

"The Law and the Prophets were proclaimed until John. Since that time, the good news of the kingdom of God is being preached, and everyone is forcing his way into it. It is easier for heaven and earth to disappear than for the least stroke of a pen to drop out of the Law." Luke 16:16-17 (NIV)

1. What did Jesus say was inaugurated with John's message?

The Kingdom of God

2. How does it affect your thinking knowing the Kingdom of God includes the time since John?

Bible Study - The Gospel According to Mark 1:1-3

Clyde Annach is the operator of the Web Log Aha! Clyde's been thinking again! [http://www.clydesthinking.com/]

วันพุธที่ 19 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2554

Planning for Christian Women's Retreat

Churches across the world understand the benefits of a booming Christian women's retreat. This is merely a group of women that assemble often to cheer one another with the Word of God and talk about various topics. Christian Women retreat is an occasion for women to be revitalized as they thrash out unlike issues in their personal and official lives and how they are relevant to religious living and being a brave observer. Few other things, like assignment projects, trips and bear groups are also archetypal during times of women's retreat. They are in turn extremely special part of church, which reaches out to others when they want.

Often, a women's bureau are the people that plan up for Christian women's retreat. Planning an unforgettable women's retreat is something, which is not hard, but it take little time. A women's retreat must be something, which is planned and detained no less than once or twice a year. It further needs to be a particular event that is well planned and designed so that it would really be a superb and pleasurable event for every woman who participates in it.

Women S Tallit

When the women's bureau states to plan for women's retreat, they need consider that the affair have be planned to lodge up women from all steps of life. Women of all ages, countries, and races should be allowed to attend this retreat; so the prime step when planning for a memorable retreat is to decide upon the theme or subject for the Christian women's retreat, which would be fit for women for all the steps of life. It is also significant that the theme is one, which comprises all women, both independently and as a group. Additionally it is an extremely vital step as when the women get jointly for this retreat, it would be the real time of consideration, reflection, giving out, caring, relationship, and renewal.

The initial part of the superb retreat should be the hearty welcome. You would desire to affectionately welcome every woman as she comes from the door. Next, you would need to plan a first-class, healthy meal for the retreat. You might as well want to arrange the lunch, which is light and also healthy. Sandwiches, fruit, vegetables salads, soups, and any dessert like cheesecake, chocolate cake or even cookies could be a great idea for lunch. If your Christian women's retreat is more than a day long, you would have to plan every day individually. It is excellent to have a daily arrangement that you chase.

Planning for Christian Women's Retreat

Ronvictor is a Copywriter of women's retreats.He written many articles in various topics such as family reunions [http://www.palimountain.com/adultretreats.htm],corporate retreats. For more information visit: http://www.palimountain.com .Contact him at ron.seocopywriter@gmail.com

วันอังคารที่ 18 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2554

5 Essentials to Building a Spiritual Home

Building a spiritual home is a top consideration for most parents today. No matter what your religious orientation is, or even if you have one, you want to raise children with a strong sense of morals and a feeling of hope and being connected to something larger than themselves.

There are many things that go into building a spiritual home, but these five aspects are essential to building and sustaining a spiritual home.

Women S Tallit

1. Compassion. To raise children with compassion, you want to set an example of being compassionate. Volunteering in your community is one way you can show your compassion--and take the kids with you. It's a wonderful way for them to learn about people who are less fortunate than they are and also help them be open to the diversity in the world.

2. Empathy. While compassion is a feeling for people, empathy allows you to put yourself in someone else's shoes and imagine how they feel, what their lives are really like. The ability to empathize is vital to ensuring that we will be able to understand others. And with the wide range of people our children will encounter during their lives, being able to empathize with them will help them act and react with understanding, rather than frustration and anger in many cases.

3. Discipline. To achieve anything, we humans need to have some discipline. We need it to enable us to get up each day and take care of our responsibilities. Discipline is necessary for setting goals and reaching them. It is also true that on occasions, disciplining our children and giving them the opportunity to reflect on their behavior is necessary. It helps them recognize what they've done wrong and discover what they need to do to correct it--and to see what not to do next time around.

4. Gratitude. The ability to be grateful for the wonderful things in our lives is an essential part of a spiritual life and home. We need to set an example for our children by taking time to talk about how thankful we are to have our families, health, homes and all the good things we're fortunate to have. We need to temper our tendency to complain by spending time reflecting on and talking about the good stuff too. Being able to see the good and be grateful for it is vital to maintaining a healthy attitude when things get rocky and obstacles mount up. Teaching your children to be grateful is something that will be of great comfort and strengthen them throughout their lives.

5. Golden Rule. The foundation of any spiritual home can easily be traced to this simple rule: treat everyone as you would like to be treated. It has been the bedrock of spiritual practices and major religions, practically since the beginning of time, and is a crucial part of any spiritual home. Live by this rule yourself, teach it to your children and expect them to live by it themselves, and your family will have the spiritual foundation it needs to become a strong spiritual home.

Copyright 2006 Pat Brill

5 Essentials to Building a Spiritual Home

Pat Brill is co-author of "Essentials for Starting a Womens's Group" http://www.womens-group.net and co-owner of Women's Group Busy Bites - http://www.womensgroupbusybites.com - a blog all about women. You can reach her at pat@womens-group.net.

วันจันทร์ที่ 17 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2554

Mardi Gras and the Catholic Church

Fat Tuesday or Mardi Gras are most likely is never thought of as being rooted in any church let alone the Catholic Church. It has become a very secular celebration that is sometimes on the edge of good judgment. Most of all it's become one large party. But, how did we get to this point. The original roots of Mardi Gras started as the last day before Ash Wednesday. It was the last day to be rowdy before the solemn season of Lent begins. Keeping with tradition, at the stroke of Midnight, the party ends and Lent begins.

In the early days of New Orleans Mardi Gras was also celebrated with masked balls and parties up though the 1700s. The Spanish Government came in during their control of the city and banned these celebration types. However, once the United States acquired the territory, the parties started right back up, with the 1827 being the first year the Mardi Gras celebration was back in full swing.


The colors of Mardi gras are usually though of to be green, purple and gold. But most do not know that those colors are also rooted in the Catholic Church. The colors were applied in 1840. The colors they choose were picked because green was faith, purple was for justice and gold conveyed power.
The name fat Tuesday was chosen by the French and as part of the tradition of slaughtering a calf on the last day of Carnival. The day is also known as Shrove Tuesday, derived from to hear confessions. An additional name for Fat Tuesday and still celebrated especially among the Germans and Pennsylvania Dutch is Fetter Dienstag and it's the making of pancakes and donuts to use up the dairy products before the fasting of lent begins.

So although Mardi Gras was often thought to be a pagan type holiday it really is deeply rooted in Catholicism.

Mardi Gras and the Catholic Church

Beth Guide is the webmaster for Rosary Inspirational Gifts

วันอาทิตย์ที่ 16 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2554

Elephant and Temple Worship

In India there are a large number of elephants. This large mammal thrives in the southern and eastern parts of the jungles of India. The Indian elephant is slightly dwarfed by the African elephant which also has larger tusks.

At present the elephant is a protected species in India and shooting it punishable under the wild life protection act. It is estimated that there could be upwards of 80,000 elephants in India. The abundance of the elephant has led to its use in a number of fields. Thus elephants are used for carrying logs as well as for temple worship. This is a peculiarity of the elephant which can be easily domesticated and thus trained for temple worship.


The elephant in Indian mythology is also the face of the Hindu God Ganesha or Ganpathi who was the son of Lord Shiva. The elephant is thus part of the psyche of the Hindus and is given great respect. The Guryvoor temple near Coimbatore also has an elephant farm which in itself rare sight, for such farm does not exist anywhere else in the world.

The Elephant is trained from a very young age in temple ritual worship. Being an intelligent beast it quickly picks up the rituals to be performed.Perhaps there is something uncanny in this temple worship by elephants is certainly a sight to behold.

Normally the elephant is taken for a scrub and wash before the prayer day. It is followed by decking the elephant with ornate flowers and silver bells. The elephant is then led to the temple to the accompaniment of conch shells and drums. At the temple the elephant will pay obeisance to the Lord Ganesha with his trunk. He will salute with his trunk and then carry on. Elephants also partake of Prasad -the holy food which is distributed by the priest.

The elephant all along displays great patience during the ceremony and it is a tribute that these mammals can partake in these sacred activities. The temple elephants are generally very well cared and they gracefully age in this captivity.

But there are animal rights activists who are against the use of these elephants for temple worship as they argue that the entire ceremony and forcing the elephant to take part are a part of cruelty to animals. However no law is passed by the Indian government to curb the use of elephants in temple worship and till that happens we can see this spectacle as it unfolds before our eyes. It certainly is a sight that can only be seen India.

Elephant and Temple Worship

วันเสาร์ที่ 15 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2554

Why and How to Wear a Tallit

The Tallit also pronounced as Tallis, is a special prayer shawl worn by Jews when they recite their morning prayers. It can also be worn during the Jewish holidays as well as during Sabbath.

How does it look?


The Tallit is a special shawl that has knotted fringes on four corners. These fringes are known as tzitzit. It is also known as arba kanfot. As per Biblical commandments, the tzitzit is supposed to contain blue thread.

Ancient traditions

As per traditional Jewish customs, the Tallit is gifted by a father to his son or teacher to student. Most synagogues have plenty of such Tallit shawsl for the Jewish devotees.

Personal devotional space

The modern Tallit is still worn by every Jewish devotee. As per the custom of the Jews, the Prayer Shawl should never be worn on the skin directly. It should always be worn over some clothing. In fact, the word Tallit is derived from two words namely Tal and Ith. Tal means tent and ith means little. Hence, the Tallit is a small tent, which can be worn to create a personal space to express one's devotion.

Men and women wearing Tallit

Traditionally, it is mostly men who wear the Tallit as women are not obligated to wear it. However, authorities such as the Rambam, Isaac Ibn Ghiyyat permit women to wear the Tallit. Jewish women are exempt from the Jewish commandment performance and hence wearing the Prayer Shawl can be considered as an act of arrogance. However, in today's times, women can wear the modern Tallit.

Unity in differences

When praying amidst a congregation, the Tallit helps neutralize any exterior differences. Thus, while people of different financial status and ethnicity pray, there is no difference between them because all the people wear Tallits.

Colors and materials

The modern Prayer Shawl comes in several colors, black and blue being the most popular. The black Tallit is used for mourning while the blue one looks like the Israeli flag. Other colors can represent various aspects or things. Materials commonly used in the Tallit include silk, wool, linen, acrylon etc.

Things to ensure while wearing

If you are a woman and wish to wear the Tallit there are a few things you need to keep in mind namely:

- Neckband held at either end
- Fringes are correct and held in place
- Repeat the blessing
- Place the Tallit over your head. Bring the neckband as near the mouth as possible
- Bring the Tallit across the shoulders

While wearing a Tallit it is essential that you say the blessing or prayer. In this manner, you heighten the awareness of wearing this religious garment. While putting on the Tallit you need to hold one end of the garment at either end of your collar. The Hebrew words on the Prayer Shawl need to be towards you and be placed so their right side is upwards. You can kiss all the ends of the collar or Atarah during this point.

Why and How to Wear a Tallit

This articles is brought to you by Jewisheart. A leading online store selling Judaica artifacts such as Shofar, Tallit and Mezuzah. Featuring Great prices and free gifts.

วันศุกร์ที่ 14 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2554

Topical Sermons

There are two basic types of sermons: topical and expository. Topical sermons deal with current issues of human concern - for instance, how to foster and preserve good relationships, parenting, emotional control, and so on. In topical sermons, Biblical incidents are selected and woven together so that they address the issues or problems that affect people's lives. A topical sermon may contain Biblical extracts from several chapters and verses dealing with one topic.

Let us take an example the problem of Biblical illiteracy. A recent poll in the US revealed that many people thought that the Sermon on the Mount was preached by Billy Graham. We are witnessing growing Biblical illiteracy among people today. We can see how a topical sermon addresses this worrying issue.

Women S Tallit

The Holy Bible has several wonderful verses related to this issue. We can see how verses from four different Biblical chapters address one single issue in the above-mentioned example. A topical sermon on this issue may contain material from any number of chapters and verses, depending on the amount of time that a preacher and the audience spend together in the church. The point is that all the contents of the sermon address a single issue or problem.

There are many issues such as fasting, life after death, capital punishment, emotional control, etc. which can be dealt with by using topical sermons.

The other kind of sermon is expository, in which one part of the Bible is explored in depth. This kind of sermon is just as rich, but more academically oriented.

Topical Sermons

Sermons provides detailed information on Sermons, Sermon Collections, Topical Sermons, Expository Sermons and more. Sermons is affiliated with Public Speaking Tips.

วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 13 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2554

Women's Leather Jackets - Always in Fashion

Women's leather jackets are some of the most popular outerwear available on the market and there is no sign of that changing in the future. They offer warmth along with protection from wind and rain while giving you a sexy and exotic look as well. If fleece and puffer coats don't fit into your cool weather wardrobe, then it may be worth your time to look into women's leather jackets.

The variety of leather coats for ladies is rather expansive so finding the perfect one can take a bit of looking. Whether you choose to shop online or at local department stores, you will be able to find several different styles of jacket and types of leather available through either outlet.

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A suede leather jacket is one of the classiest styles on the market. The soft and supple material is a lot more feminine and delicate than standard leather, but still offers many of the same benefits in terms of warmth, wind protection and style. The one downside to suede is that it can be a bit more difficult to keep clean and doesn't do as well in the rain as treated leather does.

Picking up a suede leather jacket will allow to show off your style and sophistication without giving you the rough and tumble look associated with women's leather jackets.

When it comes to looking into genuine leather outerwear, you will find a lot of different styles including blazers, the ever popular biker jackets and bombers. All three types are incredibly durable and versatile, but each one holds it's own type of attitude in it's design. Leather blazer jackets are often more chic than the other two styles and allow you to show off your feminine side a bit more. Women's leather bomber jacket styles and motorcycle jackets pair sex appeal with the impression that you are bad to the bone.

Wool and Fur Accents
Regardless of the type of women's leather jackets that you look into, you can easily soften their appearance by opting for a style that has fur or wool accents. This will provide you with extra warmth and comfort while softening the appearance of even the most fierce style of women's leather motorcycle jackets.

A good leather coat can outlast the vast majority of your wardrobe and even be handed down to future generations if it's well kept. Whether you opt for a bomber, a blazer or a motorcycle jacket you will find that you will be kept warm and snug year after year. If you need a coat that can stand up to your wardrobe and will last you through more than just a year or two, women's leather jackets are great for you.

Women's Leather Jackets - Always in Fashion

Womens' leather jackets are an item that is always in fashion, and when maintained well, can last entire generations. With leather being excellent protection from cold and wind, these are great for the colder seasons. If you don't have a jacket of your own, now is the time to get one.

วันพุธที่ 12 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2554

Diamond Symbolism and Mythology

Nowadays, we all know a diamond engagement ring is the most important jewelry purchase in a man's life and the most significant to the woman who receives it. Diamond is the birthstone of people born in the month of April and is also used as the symbol of a sixty-year anniversary, such as a Diamond Jubliee.

However, the symbolism of diamonds goes beyond romance. Through centuries diamonds have been a symbol of love, excellence and purification. Diamond, because of its remarkable hardness and clarity, also still reigns supreme in its symbolism of power, strength, brilliance and unparalleled beauty. Diamonds are enchanting treasures that have fascinated mankind throughout the centuries. Many regarded them as magical. Not only were they rare and beautiful, no tool could cut them and even the fiercest fire would leave the diamonds unscathed.


Diamonds have been used symbolically because of their extraordinary physical properties. It was said that the Greeks believed diamonds were tears of the gods. Romans believed they were splinters of fallen stars. In Tibetan Buddhism, also known as Vajrayana (Diamond Vehicle), diamonds are an important symbol and the Diamond Sutra is one of the most popular texts.

In ancient India, diamonds were not cut for fear that they would lose its magical properties. During the Middle Ages, it was believed that diamonds would grow darker in the face of guilt and shine brightly for the innocent. Another belief is that in the presence of poison, diamond would also change color. The rainbow colors of the prism were thought to give one magical power over Evil Eyes.

According to occultist myths, it was believed that diamonds possess several supernatural powers, e.g. a diamond's hardiness can only be broken by smearing it with fresh goat's blood. Or a diamond gives victory to he who carries it bound on his left arm, no matter the number of enemies.

It was also believed to have been used as a healing stone. Such as a way of detecting and detoxifying poison, opening spirituality channels and assisting calming creatures.

Today, diamonds are used to symbolize eternity and love. The first diamond engagement ring can be traced to the XV century, when the Archduke Maximilian of Austria gave the first diamond ring engagement to Mary of Burgundy in 1477. At that time, the diamond was used in its natural crystalline structure. The octahedral or eight-sided formation, like 2 pyramid joined at the base, was mounted with the lower pyramid completely hidden in the ring setting and the upper half rising out of it. Light would be reflected from all four sides of this exposed upper point. The structure of this diamond mirrors the symbolism of the Egyptian pyramids. The union in 1477 was celebrated by the exchange of a diamond betrothal ring which would have been an early example and perhaps the first royal one.

Other early example of betrothal jewels incorporating diamonds include the Bridal Crown of Blanche (ca. 1370-80) and the Heftlein brooch of Vienna (ca. 1430-40), a pictorial piece depicting a wedding couple. In the 19th century, Napoleon gave his wife Marie Louise an exquisite diamond necklace on the birth of their son. Perhaps the most published romantic diamond gifts in modern times have been the jewels given by Richard Burton to Elizabeth Taylor. These include a 33 carat diamond worth over million and the pear-shaped 69 carat Taylor-Burton diamond.

Diamond Symbolism and Mythology

Michael Russell Your Independent guide to Diamonds [http://diamonds.your-buyers-guide.com]

วันอังคารที่ 11 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2554

Only Sexy Things on Your Skin - The Importance of a Shawl in Your Wedding

Everybody tuned into the fashion industry knows the value of a great shawl. You can transform from a wallflower to an absolute stunner with this simple piece of clothing that you can wear over your shoulders and even your head. Together with its powers of enhancement, the shawl is also extremely adaptable and can be worn in the most formal of settings from high society parties to hanging out with friends on a Friday night, the shawl can be your best friend. Now that you're using it in your wedding, it's best to know just what an amazing article of clothing you're donning.

The first shawls were part of the traditional dress in Achaemenid Persia. They were also a big part of the traditional male garb of Kashmir, perhaps because of the strong Persian influence. After being woven in an extremely fine woolen twill, some were said to be fine enough as to fit through a ring. They could be made in one color or several colors, ornately woven or embroidered.

Women S Tallit

Shawls have many purposes and the most basic is to keep the wearer warm, hence shawls have become popular in Western countries. Another important function of the shawl is to complement the attire of the wearer. Some use it for symbolic reasons, like the Jewish tallit, which is used in prayer.

Silk shawls with fringes made in China were available in the first decade of the 19th century. They became popular in Europe and America. Apart from being important accessories for women's clothing they became a standard folk dress in some places including Germany, the Near East, parts of Latin America and Spain. They became a part of the Spanish gypsy dress and are known as gintanas. Their inclusion in the opera 'Carmen' immortalizes them in global culture.

Today Kashmiri shawls made from pashmina are among the most celebrated fashion and society items on the market.

Only Sexy Things on Your Skin - The Importance of a Shawl in Your Wedding

If you want to know more about how the shawl and other accessories can turn you into a stunner at your wedding, be sure to visit: [http://fancyweddingattire.com/category/article-pages/wedding-dress-tips/over-clothes]

วันจันทร์ที่ 10 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2554

Costume Ideas Like You Never Imagined For Halloween!

Halloween is quickly approaching and if you're searching for costume ideas, let us assist you in finding an exciting costume for this once a year spooktacular event!

Many of your ideas may come easily from watching your favorite movies, or you may read about the hottest trends for the holidays in your desired magazines, and come up with a really creative idea for a great costume character.

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However, if you happen to be at a loss for a unique costume idea this year, times a ticking! Don't worry, we can offer you a list of the newest Halloween costumes available, and add a little twist that will make a hilarious splash for your outfit this season.

Halloween fun starts when you create that unique costume, that everybody wonders how you came up with that concept! Many adults and kids love to be the center of attention with the most creative characters that no one else will have, and that's a tough task in itself when there are dozens of retail stores selling the exact same Halloween costume.

The best costume tips we can offer to ensure that you don't have half a dozen people with the same Halloween outfit, is to try and mix and match the costume, in order to create an outrageous combination, which will have your friends and family howling their heads off!

Think Out Of The Costume Box To Get Those Creative, And Fun Juices Flowing! If you're having a little trouble coming up with something that will wow your party guests, remember you must think outside the box! If you need a little push in the right direction, let us offer you a few of our suggestions to get you started, and see if you can expand on our outrageous Halloween tips.

Become a Vampire Baby : Just think about it for a second? Dracula had to be born and brought into this world just like us, so did you think he came into this world with his fancy ensemble? Of course not, so how about taking a large blanket for a diaper, a full-size skin tone color or light grey body tights, cape, white face paint, blood, and a pair of fangs. Add a baby bottle filled with deep red cranberry juice and VOILA!

Now with your baby vampire outfit ready to take on the dark underworld of infants, we are sure you can imagine the laughs you will get, and I bet you wouldn't have thought that Dracula would be getting his/her gruesome cheeks pinched so much during the night. After your party, it's going to be rather painful crawling back into your coffin.

Here's another wacky one! Cross-Dressing Darth Vader : Find a really awful dress, preferably off-white or pink, and get your hands on a Darth Vader mask. Now we're sure with the popularity of Star Wars that you will come across many Vader costumes, but while they may be switching over to the dark side that night, you will be flipping-over to the Darth Vader Cross-dressing side.

Come on, can't you picture this great idea! Going up to guests at your party and saying, "Luke, I'm really your mother!" Ok let's move on, maybe you'll like our next idea!

For the adult only event, and we mean a total non-Halloween family function (no kids allowed), the guys can consider going as an Egotistical Scotsman ! Order a Highlander costume complete with the plaid skirt and all the accessories. Now we're sure you're actually wondering what is the major difference from another Scottish costume.

Here's the twist, you go out and purchase a skin tone color stocking and fill it with foam, tie off the tip to give it the, well, you know what look we're talking about! Then wrap it around your waist, letting it hang just long enough for it to be showing slightly below your skirt. Who's the king of Scotland now! For the men that still don't get what I'm trying to explain here, talk to your better halves or your mother, they can help you!

Of course we are not going to leave the women's costume ideas out, but it was a little more difficult coming up with a twisted thought for the ladies. So here we go!

Female Hugh Hefner : It's time to turn the tables, and we know it's not difficult for a beautiful lady like yourself to get your hands on a few of your male friends to dress-up as sexy Playboy bunnies! The rest is history, all you have to do is go online and find an authentic Hugh Hefner smoking jacket, silk looking pants, and fake cigar.

Make sure you're strutting around with your Playmates waving your cigar and acting extremely arrogant, and pinching the occasional bunny cheek during the night. (Pinching at your own risk, and we take no responsibility for this action, oh what the heck, give him two pinches on the cheeks for good luck!)

In order to make sure your costume theme idea is realistic, you must ensure your male partners are hanging around you often, giving you all the attention you deserve as the sexiest Playboy icon. Have the guys wear thick red lipstick while placing kiss marks all over your cheeks. We have a feeling after the Halloween party is over, you may not want to give up all that attention! We may be creating some monsters here.

Kids Ideas Are Very Creative When It Comes To Wacky Costume Fun! Children are the best source when it comes to thinking of crazy ideas, and they can easily turn up with some mad creations! If you don't have any kids to help you, then contact the closest friend that has a bizarre imagination. If you can do it on your own, then we suggest you jump on your witches broom, and fly with your off the wall idea.

It's crunch time, and you want to make your ideas fun and unique. If you happen to like our wild ideas, and they find your funny bone, then go with them. Or if you would like to create your own concept, go for it.

The bottom line here is that we want you to achieve a great costume idea, by taking simple concepts and letting your ideas work to create that little twist, that will make your outfit that much better. Your Costume will be so funny that you will have all your guests laughing in stitches. Hmmm., stitches, I think we have another great idea for a costume!

Costume Ideas Like You Never Imagined For Halloween!

William is the owner and author of "1st-In-Halloween-Costumes.com". A Halloween Costume and Accessory source for his Ghoulish guests to conveniently view and compare a number of online Costume suppliers in one location. William understands we live busy lives, and having to search the Internet for your favorite costume can be a grave digging task. Having many of the top costume companies only a few mouse clicks away, can really help save you time. If you would like to check out Count William's Halloween Costume website, or in his words, if you dare, you can visit it here at: http://www.1st-In-Halloween-Costumes.com. If you're searching for some great Halloween Costume ideas, tips, unique Halloween party recipes, or anything and everything about Halloween, how about visiting William's All Hallows Eve Blog here: http://www.All-Hallows-Eve.com

1940's Hairstyles - How Changing Hairstyles Can Reflect Women's Roles

If you are into celeb watching, then you will know that 1940's hairstyles are making a comeback. People like Gwen Stephani have now adopted a hairstyle that was a favorite with 1940s movie stars. Fashion is a funny thing because trends in clothing and in hairstyles often reflect a change in social attitudes.

It was during the 1940s, and particularly after the Second World War, that the housewife role became popularized for women. If you look at movies of that time and bill board advertisements they often represented women as ultra feminine. Women, people believed should spend their days looking after the family and keeping house and then making sure they looked their best when their husbands came home. Many women wore their hair like Veronica Lake because their husbands liked it that way. 1940's hairstyles were very much a reflection of how men envisaged women.

Women S

Economic changes in the 1950s and '60s meant that one wage was not always enough to support a family and so an increasing number of women went out to work after having children. In the beginning much of this work was part time but as the 1960s progressed more women worked full time.

Once women gained financial independence they started to want other independences and this was reflected in the hair styles that women adopted. Gone were the Veronica Lake look-alikes. Modern women did not have time to stand with a curling iron every day so they adopted shorter, easy to manage styles. With the rise of feminism in the late sixties and early seventies short hair styles were often so severe as to be mannish. Women were striving for equality and wanted to look the part.

Nowadays rising divorce figures and delinquent children are seen by many as the result of women's desire for equality. From many quarters there has been a backlash against the feminist movement and a call for women to look and behave as God intended. Interestingly, there has also been a move back to loose waves and braids which are reminiscent of 1940's hairstyles.

1940's Hairstyles - How Changing Hairstyles Can Reflect Women's Roles

See what YOU look like with the latest celebrity hairstyles - view them on your own uploaded photo now! Try On 5,000 Hairstyles! FREE Demo

วันอาทิตย์ที่ 9 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2554

The Prayer Shawl - Yesterday and Today

The prayer shawl, known as the tallit in the Jewish community, is an intricate part of Judaica and the Jewish religion. Here is a look at prayer shawls of yesterday and today and the giving of the tallit as a gift to commemorate the major moments in the life of a young man or woman.

History of the Prayer Shawl

Women S Tallit

The prayer shawl began its life as the Jewish tallit and was originally worn by men in ancient times. At the corners of the tallit tassels would be attached in fulfillment of the commandment of zizit, found in the book of Numbers.

Again the LORD spoke to Moses, saying, 38 "Speak to the children of Israel: Tell them to make tassels on the corners of their garments throughout their generations, and to put a blue thread in the tassels of the corners. 39 And you shall have the tassel, that you may look upon it and remember all the commandments of the LORD and do them, and that you may not follow the harlotry to which your own heart and your own eyes are inclined, 40 and that you may remember and do all My commandments, and be holy for your God. 41 I am the LORD your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, to be your God: I am the LORD your God."    Numbers 15:37-41

In time the tallit was lost from the daily habit as the Jews assimilated with their Gentile neighbors following their exile, and the tallit became a strictly religious garment used for prayer (hence the use of the phrase "prayer shawl").

Today's Prayer Shawl

Today's prayer shawl has changed a great deal from its earliest inception. In the Encyclopedia Judaica it says that the first tallit "was usually made either of wool or of linen and probably resembled the abayah still worn by the Bedouin for protection against the weather."

Today's tallit is usually white and made of wool, cotton or silk. Until recently the prayer shawl bore only black stripes; today, in remembrance of the blue thread of the zizit, prayer shawls may have stripes made of blue woven into the material and, among less orthodox sects, may also have stripes of maroon, white, purple, gold, silver, rainbow, pink and combinations of colored stripes with metallic threads.

The prayer shawl is given by a father to a son, a father-in-law to a son-in-law or a teacher to a student and may be purchased to mark a special occasion, such as a wedding or a bar/bat mitzvah, often accompanying a tefillin as a remembrance God's deliverance of the children of Israel out of Egypt. 

Women's Prayer Shawls

One thing you rarely find when investigating the history and the use of the prayer shawl is what type of tallit is worn by women. Because historically the tallit was worn by men the majority of the literature concerning their use focuses on that of the men in temple. This is due to both convention and the Judaic belief that women are exempt from time related Mitzvahs and is encouraged by Orthodox Rabbis. The prayer shawl is also worn by women outside of the orthodox beliefs, however, often in a much less orthodox style that allows her to maintain both style and femininity. 

The Prayer Shawl - Yesterday and Today

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Jewish Bride's Guide: Choosing a Wedding Tallit

Imagine if the groom had to choose the bride's wedding dress on his own. I have a hunch that in some cases she would take one look at his choice and call off the wedding. Yet it's often left up to the Jewish bride to choose a tallit for her fiance.

In the yeshiva world, where the custom is for the kallah or her parents to buy a tallis for the chassan, the choice is fairly straightforward. He'll want the age-old standard: a white wool tallit with black stripes (or white stripes if the groom is Sephardic). All she has to do is find a high quality tallit and figure out which size he needs. At most there will be a question of an ornate atara. (After all, the Talmud says a groom is to be considered like a king.)


But what if he comes from a Modern Orthodox background - or isn't Orthodox at all? If that's the case, the bride has a lot of questions on her hands: Does he wear a small tallit or prefer it to drape over his back and down to the back of the knees? Would he like quiet blue stripes or a medley of colors? The issue of color is especially crucial because the bride also has to make sure the tallit doesn't clash with the chuppah or her dress. In fact, the tallit sets the tone for the look of the chuppah.

And if the tallit is used in shul, the wedding tallit she chooses will also have an impact for years to come. Clothes make the man, and it makes a world of difference if he later steps into shul wearing a nondescript tallit or an heirloom quality tallit.

Sephardic Jews have a beautiful custom of wrapping the bride and groom in a tallit during the ceremony. In the Orthodox world, a tallit is generally not used at the chuppah among Ashkenazim, although in Modern Orthodox circles it seems to be catching in.

The Jewish brides that come to me in search of a tallit for a modern groom seem to like handmade tallits, which come in a wide variety of colors and striping patterns. Traditionalists go for the classic white wool with black stripes. A middle-of-the-road option is white with blue stripes.

Another - more expensive - option is a hand-woven tallit. I recently had a Jewish bride who knew exactly what she wanted, so she went with a hand-woven tallit because it allowed her to choose a particular color and pattern. Since a tallit is a very personal gift that the groom will wear for years to come, it may be worth the price to have a special memory of his wedding ever time he wears it in shul.

No matter which wedding tallit she buys, I strongly recommend the bride add a tallit bag with embroidered lettering. A simple tallit bag can be had for as little as (and up to or more) and the lettering should cost only per letter. As long as he doesn't have a very long name (e.g. Jeremiah Eliezer Bloomenkranz) it won't cost much - and if he does, you can always use just his initials.

Jewish Bride's Guide: Choosing a Wedding Tallit

Ben Slobodkin is the owner and operator of Ben's Tallit Shop, an Israel-based webstore that sells tallits and chuppahs to customers around the world. The shop specializes in traditional prayer shawls, bar mitzvah tallits, wedding tallits, handmade tallits and hand-woven tallits in wool, cotton and silk.
Website: http://www.tallit-shop.com/.
Tallit or chuppah questions? Feel free to contact the author at benstallitshop [at] gmail [dot] com

วันเสาร์ที่ 8 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2554

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